Did You Guys Know There Was A Legend Of Zelda Symphony And Didn't Tell Me?



Did you guys know this was a thing?  Because I sure as shit didn’t.  Somebody tweeted last night that The Legend Of Zelda symphony was performing at the Barclays Center last night and I was super confused.  Then it turns out they also performed on Colbert last night. I thought there was no way there’s an entire symphony dedicated to Zelda.  No way.  Well I was wrong!




It’s a very real thing.  I’ve never been happier to be wrong in my life. What a genius idea. A symphony playing music from Zelda games.  Let’s be honest though. I don’t give a shit about the music for the new game. I have no connection to it.  They wanna sell out stadiums all across the world?  Then make it all songs from Ocarina of Time.  You know I’m right. Ask anybody what their favorite game was growing up and they’ll undoubtedly say Ocarina of Time because it’s the best game ever. Hands down.  Galloping around Hyrule. Fighting skeletons at night. Wanting to kill yourself because the Water Temple was IMPOSSIBLE. When do I raise the water level?  When do I lower it?  We’re talking Beatles-type levels of fame if they play songs from that game. Like the songs from that new video game were good but I needed Epona’s Song.  I needed Zelda’s Lullaby. I needed the Song of Storms. Play the hits and the people will come running. Getting high and going to a symphony that plays songs from Ocarina of Time sounds like the best orgasm possible. Make it happen.


Now enjoy this trip down memory one for the next 2 glorious hours




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